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Don't ask for extra pictures!

I'm a very straight forward type of girl, I have no time for fuckery and fooling people!

I just want to have fun & I want you to have fun too! :)

I can't stand when people expect that I will go out of my way to prove "I'm real". I'm not sure what else there is to prove. I'm not going jump hoops begging you to see me.

All my photos are selfies and taken by my iPhone. I only watermark my photos to protect myself from my pictures from being stolen. And right click option disabled for copyright protection.

I totally understand that some girls misrepresent themselfs with old or stolen photos but that's not the type of person I am.

So please any bugging me with stupid questions for extra pictures or bugging me asking if I'm law enforcement & your going to end up with a very grumpy Kelsey!

Making me grumpy is never fun & will ruin all your future attempts to book! 😞

please have some common sense & respect!

Thx babe! Can't wait to play! 😜

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